Sunday, July 21, 2013

Birthday Flash Sale!

Hey friends! Sorry I've been so MIA! I've been tied up with UCA cheer camp, planning and hosting my sister's baby shower (pictures to come), covered up in poison ivy (yuck), getting ready for back to school, and my enjoying my birthday! In lieu of my 29th today (woot woot) I'm throwing a flash sale in my TpT store. Everything is 20% today and tomorrow. Head on over to my TpT store and grab some great deals! 
Of course Gertie had to get in on the party action! ha ha She enjoyed fresh veggies while I enjoyed cake! Have a happy Sunday. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Hey friends! I'm back with another Christmas in July post and am linking up with Cara Carroll's "Throwback Thursday." 
This post is all about Christmas ornaments. I TRY to make an ornament per day in December and work to incorporate the activity into whatever lesson I have planned. Before I highlight my oldie, but goodie...I wanted to share with you a few ornaments that I made this year that weren't included in my previous post. 
The ornaments to your left, I picked up at Michael's on clearance last year! I had a parent stamp my students' fingerprints and when they were dry...I went in and added detail with a sharpie. On the right, who doesn't love the classic popsicle reindeer ornament? So simple and so sweet. 

Now, onward to the old post. I'm embarrassed and how pitiful my clip art and font choice was. ha Don't judge me. Most of the ornaments included, I am still making with my students, give or take a few. I try to keep the ornaments relatively simple because that's such a hectic time! I hope you enjoy and can take away a few ideas. 

***********Originally posted on July 17, 2011*********************
Ho, Ho, Ho....Merry Christmas! In the spirit of the season, I thought I would share some ornament ideas I've made in the past with my kinders. Each year, I purchase gift bags and do Santa hand prints on the front. As we make an ornament, we place them in the bag and before school dismisses for the holidays, I add tissue!  My students take this home and present it to parents as their Christmas gift. It's always a HUGE hit. 
Here are some of the ornaments we place inside.  They vary from year to year depending on snow days and what kits I can find on clearance at craft stores. 

There is no rhyme or reason to my applesauce & cinnamon ornament or my shredded wheat & Elmer's glue ornament recipes. I just keep adding and mixing until I get to the consistency I want.  Please note: both ornaments take days to dry so I recommend doing these at the beginning of December.  Also, I would wear rubber gloves and have your kinders, too!  Happy crafting. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Cat's outta the BAG!!

Shew ya'll! The cat is outta the bag. I don't have to keep my secret anymore. In case you haven't figured out what is going's a Facebook freebie hop. Over 40 of my Kinderland friends are participating. All you have to do in order to participate is go to my Facebook Fan page and find the button at the top of my page that looks like this: 
Click on that tab. And if you like my page, you will see a tab that looks like this:
Just click on the left side of the image to grab your freebie from ME, then click on the lower right hand corner to hop to your next fan page. Look for the "Freebies on the Fourth" tab again and go through the same process!! Just keep clicking and grabbing. You can grab over 40 freebies total!! Are you ready to hop? Just click this image below and you can get started! What are you waiting for.....RUN! Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Something BIG is going to happen...

Hey ya'll! Do I have a surprise for you! I cannot wait to let you in on this little secret. Well actually, it's not a little secret - it's a HUGE one. And all of my Kinderland friends are participating. 
You won't want to miss it. TRUST me! Are you dying to know what it is? Want in on it? Well you must like my Facebook Fan Page. And then....wait for it.....if you keep watching....the big surprise with be yours. So, what are you waiting for? Click the image below and make sure you're following my fan page. You'll be glad ya did. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 1, 2013

It is July 1st already!?

Hey bloggers. Is it seriously July 1st already? Ohmiword. Time must slow down. I'm linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for her monthly currently. 
I just love these things. I MUST do better about participating in them and not going months in between. I also vow to participate in more linkys, read more bloggers' posts, and comment more on my friends' blogs. Will ya hold me to it? Anyways, here goes...
On another note....I took a hiatus from my current TpT adhd and decided to finish a few of my products that have been looming around on my desktop. I seriously start one pack, and then go to another, and another...and maybe come back around to the original one later. Does anyone else do this? Oh look...there's a squirrel. Do I need medication? I've had packs I started MONTHS ago that I've not finished. wonder I only have 20 some products in my store. ha ha #lame Anywhoo...I finished 2 packs and posted within 2 days. Holy Mother...someone call Guinness Book of World Records! hee 
My students do well with blends/diagraphs, but need some type of reference. I put together these cards to serve as a reminder. They're great on a bulletin board, to use during a whole group lesson, or to hole punch and put on a book ring for writing center. This 31 page pack can be yours for only $3.50!
Here's a sweet little Schedulin' pack I made to coordinate with a friend's classroom. It includes 8 programmable analog clocks, 4 digital, 12 subject signs, 1 blank sign, and 8 decorative accents. It's easy to promote time management with this pack and can be yours for just $3. Hop on over to my TpT store and check them out. And while you're clicking away....have you made the switch to blog lovin' yet? Be sure to follow me there, please. Just click the image below. Happy Monday sweet friends. Hugs!