Friday, September 16, 2011

Punch Print Work Station

Each letter is printed twice per page. So - when you copy them, make sure to cut in half for small sizes that fit perfectly in your students' hands! This can also be adapted for Math Work stations...students could punch numbers or number words. PARENTS - Print these off and make a "punch print" at home. Your little one will enjoy reviewing their letters while outside the classroom for sure! Leave a message and let me know your thoughts. Happy punching!


  1. I was thinking about the same thing. I like the eraser top idea, I never thought about that. I am going to use a shoebox under mine and have the kiddos practice their name, alphabets and popcorn words.

    Thanks for sharing
    Ms. Patterson
    Pocket Full of Kinders

  2. I love this idea!! We've done "pin poke" ponies and puppies during p week and the kids love it! I never used the erasers! Genius! I think this would be an awesome station! Thanks or sharing, Erin! You are awesome!!

    Mrs. Bee
    Bee's KinderGarden

  3. Thanks for sharing -- love the eraser idea! I have never done the erasers and now I will!!!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  4. I've done these before to make theme-related pictures but never thought about a weekly center! What an awesome fine-motor activity that is still educational and fun. Thanks!
    Kindergarten Creativity

  5. I was just trying to find big push pins so that I could do this idea. Never thought about the eraser tops. Can't wait to start this center next week. (kindergarten days)

  6. I love this - I've done this in my fine motor center for years now, but never thought to glue the push pins to erasers! So much better - thanks for the tip. My kiddies LOVE doing pokey pictures (that's what I call them :)) I just found your blog today, and I'm so pumped I did!!!!

    Kindergarten Katy

  7. This is such a great idea!!!! I love that you use the erasers to make it easier for them to hold! Thanks for this great idea!!!
