Monday, May 21, 2012

Camping Capers!

This past week, we worked on our {camping unit}...courtesy of Cara Carroll. This has been so fun for my kiddies...I actually may have had more fun teaching it! ha I started out the week by setting up my library center to resemble a camp site. 
I sat in my chair and read stories to my students as they sat around the campfire. They loved this!
Here are some of the stories we read!
The "Something Stinks" page makes me LAUGH! For those of you who are unsure as to what the Eastman comment means - Eastman is a HUGE employer in the area and they specialize in manufacturing chemicals, fibers, and plastics. When you pull into the town this plant is located in, you can immediately smell the foul odor it puts off. One of my students' Dad works there and he says that he smells bad when he comes home everyday. So funny! Truly, it does of course we had to add that to our list. 
We did all sorts of math journals, writing camps, and other camping center activities. My students had so much fun!
We even compared and contrasted campers to tent. While this pageant girl has been camping in a tent before, she would MUCH rather be in a camper. Amen? Can't wait to share pics of our kindergarten graduation with you. It turned out SO cute! LAST Monday of the school year for me! Yippe!


  1. I guess it is a bad sign I quit smelling Eastman about 15 years ago!
    I love your camping unit, it looks like a lot of fun!


  2. How fun!! I love that you set up your rug like a campfire! I've been looking at that pack for a while now, I might just have to grab it up!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  3. That skunk is too stinkin cute!

  4. Too, too cute!! Cara is just fabulous!! I love the campfire you made!

  5. I just picked up this unit for our last week of school . . . we have a camping theme day. By the looks of it, I made an excellent purchase. I am glad I found you this morning :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory>

  6. I love that campfire!! I want to try & make something like that for my camping theme. Your "Something Smells" paper had me cracking up! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  7. This is a great packet, my students loved it too! Your skunks turned out super cute!! New follower here- glad I found your blog!

    The Learning Tree

  8. Changes of the seasons bring about some of my favorite things; I get a new cycle of foods to use in the meals I prepare at camp. The groups that come through get to experience new foods and often are amazed by the change. For example, at this year’s women’s retreat we had a piece of pan seared wild salmon with a tropical fruit salsa over it.
    Camp Stoves

  9. Erin!!!
    I'm here!!;) Email me:
    Little Warriors

  10. Hi there my name is Missy from The Teacher's Korner. Every week I select fun and fab blogs to feature on my "Blogs of the Week" post. I selected your blog this week. Hop over to my blog to check it out at Have a great weekend!!

  11. I love your What Stinks! Those skunks are too stinkin' cute! =)

    Heather's Heart

  12. I will have to do this next year! I love this idea.
