Monday, June 18, 2012

Excitement overload: Nomination

Ok seriously people! What a week this has been for me in the blog world....first, I hit 1,000 followers yesterday! Ahhhhhh I was screaming from the mountaintops of TN! Did you hear me? A HUGE giveaway is to come (check back tomorrow). And secondly, I open up my email yesterday to find this...
Ohmiword! I cannot handle both of these things in ONE week. I am about to have a stroke over here! Total excitement! My little blog was nominated as the Most Fascinating Blog of 2012. WHAT?!?! Are you kidding me? 

Nonetheless, I am absolutely thrilled and honored and would appreciate nothing more than to have your vote. Voting begins June 25th and ends July 2nd. So - vote people, vote! When the time comes, all you have to do is click that little button on the right hand side of my blog! See it?? 

Yippee, yay, yay! I'm so happyyyyy!!!!

It doesn't take much. ha! Happy Monday.