Monday, May 20, 2013

Cheap THANK YOU gifts!

Hey friends! Happy Monday! T minus 3 1/2 days of school left for me! We didn't have school today because of unused snow teachers had a work day in their rooms and I attended an intruder safety training. I plan on doing a blog post on that very soon. It's a sad thing to even think about, but's real...and we MUST act and become a survivor, not a victim. Anyways, onward with the fun. Eek! I wanted to share with ya'll my cutesy little end of the year gifts. While at the Dollar Tree, I picked up plain white plates for a $1. I took acrylic paint to school and fingerprinted everyone of my students. I numbered their fingerprints with pencil and wrote their names on a piece of paper so I would know whose print belonged to who. When I got home, I took paint pens and added names, details, polka dots, etc. I baked the plate for 30 minutes at 350*. Please note: I stuck the plate in the cold oven, set it at 350*, and started the 30 minute timer once the oven had preheated. 
This is the sweet little plate I made for my assistant, Mrs. Beaver. She truly is my sunshine! That woman is so positive and uplifting all.the.time! I am blessed to have her in my room. :) 
This is another plate I made. I plan on giving it to my home room mother. She has been very faithful in helping me once a week and has done so much in planning parties, providing items, and making treat bags for my students. I stuck with the same acrylic paint, did yellow fingerprints, and added the details when I got home. A great little gift and keepsake for only $1 and some time! I plan on getting them each some flowers, adding a thank you note, and a framed class picture. Viola! Thank you gifts DONE! Some of the other parents that have popped in throughout the year will get a class picture, thank you note, and popcorn with a note attached. What do you plan on doing as thank you's? Any great and CHEAP ideas? Please share and leave some love! 


kinder-gardening said...

This is the cutest and most affordable gift to volunteers ever!! I love it! Next year I'll do these for sure. Unfortunately, my gifts for this year are done and they cost way too much! Thank you!

Deedee Wills said...

Pinned and pinned... WHHHAATTT??? Those are adorable!!!

Unknown said...

These are so stinking adorable! Such a great idea! LOVE it!


Kimberly Ann said...

OMG! Can you say ADORABLE!? Love these!

Kimberly Ann
Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

Erica Bohrer said...

You are so talented!

SunnyDays said...

So...are you taking orders? lol! I wish I could write like that! ADORABLE!
Sunny Days In Second Grade

Taryn Ryan said...

I am in LOVE! I'm pretty certain though, that mine wouldn't turn out like that--I can't write like that! You should hire yourself out! :)

Kelly said...

Absolutely precious!!! This would be perfect for my room (grand)mom :)
LOVE! Excited to be your newest follower!

First Grade Fairytales

Fluttering Through First Grade said...

Don't know which we love more-how stinkin cute they are, or the price tag! Love these. Thanks for the fab idea!!!

~Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade

Karen Stamp said...

These are simply adorable!!! LOVE!
Karen :o)
Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

Tiffani said...

Those are fabulous- Will remember for next year

Jessica said...

Your gifts are adorable! I did a similar project with a terra cotta pot :) Thanks for always sharing such great ideas!


Think, Wonder, and Teach said...

Amazing!! I totally love these!!!

Think, Wonder, & Teach

MINNIE ME said...

Beautiful and affordable gift idea. Which paint pens do you recommend?

Anonymous said...

Hi! Love the plates....what kind of paint did you use for kids prints?

Kelly Olsen said...

Did you use glossy plates? And sharpie or paint pen

Valentino thomas said...

There is no stress involved and you are free to make a choice. If you are curious to know more about weird gifts, discover here.