Hey everyone! Can you believe it's already here!!? Teacher Week 2014! Whoo hoo.
Today marks week 3 of my school year. That's right!! Three weeks into the school year already - we went back EARLY! Whatever happened to starting after Labor Day?! ha ha I am already looking forward to Fall Break, praying for snow days, and counting down until Summer of 2015. Anyone with me? All funny stuff aside, I love what I do and have such a sweet group of students this year. Anyways....onward with Teacher Week.
Today, all of my friends at
Blog Hoppin' want to know
WHO you are! Don't be shy! ;-) This is your time to tell us all about YOU!

As you know, my name is Erin Eberhart. My last name is pronnounced with a short e. Although, my northern Grandmother would say different. Ha Sadly, it can be a mouthful with Kindergarteners and I've gotten "Neverhart," "Earnhardt," "Airhart," along with many others...ha! It can be quite comical. She would not approve.

This summer, I landed a job with the State Department as a Common Core Coach and I absolutely loved it! The opportunity, the travel, the collaboration, friends, etc. It was a wonderful experience and I hope to continue doing it each summer. During our training, I was fortunate enough to meet our governor and have a Q/A session with him and the coaches. You can imagine the questions asked from a room full of educators! ha He is a brave soul. Questions like: will we get a raise, what about state mandated PreK, is Common Core here to stay, etc?! It was intense, but interesting. After my training, I spent the month of June traveling and educating teachers on Common Core. I spent many weeks in classrooms conducting sessions on writing and math practices. One of my sessions was in a high school biology room and in the middle of my class, I heard laughing. I immediately paniced. Was there something in my teeth? Did I goof up? Nope, just 2 skeletons behind me, groping one another!! ha ha Can you see it in the photo? Yup! I'm sure some high school boys got a good laugh. Nice...

I was fortunate enough to be selected as my school's 2013 K-4 teacher of the year. I was honored and shocked! I was even more thrilled to receive a call from our assistant superintendent saying I had been selected as Washington County's teacher of the year for 2013-2014. What?!?! I went on to fill out my paperwork for the state and found out I placed 2nd regionally and missed the vote by 3 points. One of the judges said it was so close, they re-counted just to be sure but Congratulated me for being so close. Someone pinch me.

I have the sweetest boyfriend EVER- Daniel. He is everything I have prayed for in a man...truly. I went through a tough break up last January and had my heart broken. I had never been so hurt before. Looking back, I am beyond thankful for unanswered prayers and know that it was all part of God's perfect plan for me and my life. He has absolutely filled my life with joy and made my heart whole again. I am beyond thankful for Daniel and know (without a doubt) that he is my husband. I'm just waiting on that rock! ha Kidding....kinda. ;-)
In the midst of all that and a busy school year last year, I bought a condo and moved. I know, I know! Why not be completely overwhelmed?! lol I have loved the way my vision for my home came together. It's the perfect mix of eclectic - old with new. And I am thrilled! I have my southern antique look, along with my Pottery Barn couch, and French Country feel! ha It's so warm and cozy and makes me look forward to coming home each day.
As many of my faithful followers know....I have a nephew who I am OBSESSED with. You can read about him {
here}. ha I have one sibling, a sister, who is 12 months and 12 days younger than me. People often think Emily and I are twins (which I have NO clue why) but they do?! You be the judge. Here is a shot, from the back of my Mom's camera, at my cousin's wedding last weekend. Thoughts?
She is my best friend and we are very similar in a lot of ways. When her and my brother in law broke the news to me that they were expecting, I boo hooed! Seriously people, like "ugly girl cried!" I was thrilled. Jensen Russell is my world and I joke that he is MY baby because he has so many of my traits. She just carried him for 9 months and birthed him! ;-) She, however, is not a fan of that joke. Not sure why??
I have a classroom pet, Gertie, who is a total DIVA! She is a local celebrity and has had 2 full page spreads in the local newspaper, been on the evening news, AND is working on a book deal. No joke. She is a rockstar and was purchased through a grant called
Pets in the Classroom. You can read more about my piggy {
here}. Total ham. No pun intended.
I recently turned 30, less than a month ago, and was worried that it would be difficult for me. Ha, nope! It was seriously the BEST birthday ever. My family has pretty much made it their goal in life to embarrass me whenever possible. So....behold the town marquee. Family - 1, Erin - 0. ha ha
Speaking of family, here is the familia. They are the best and I am beyond blessed with support, love, advice, help, and friendship.
And ya'll, I can NOT say this enough. I seriously get by with the help of my friends. I have such a great group of friends....both near and far. I am so thankful for the friendships I've made through blogging and the friendships I have here at home. They're always here for me, no matter what!
Shew. Enough about me. Gah! I want to hear about YOU! Be sure to join in on the fun and link up at
Blog Hoppin'. Here's the schedule for the rest of the week. Happy Monday!