Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Teachers are Heroes TpT Sale!!!

Yep! We love teachers and if you love a teacher, you know how hard and dedicated they are to their kiddos! Teachers are heroes and TpT knows it too! To celebrate, they are throwing a site wide sale TODAY - February 25th! Not only will everything be 20% off, but you can add a sweet promo code for an extra 10% off too! Just enter the code: HEROES at checkout. Yahoo!! So empty those wish lists friends and head on over to shop. Remember...
You can visit my TpT shop {here}. Happy shopping and thank you to ALL of the teachers out there....for your continuous hard work and dedication. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Winner winner, Chicken dinner...a Valentine Day recap!

Hey ya'll. I'm back with the winners to our fabulous "Love is in the Air" giveaway. As you all know, I teamed up with some fabulous bloggers to give away a 16GB iPad air! Yahoo! All of the bloggers, who participated, joined in by giving away some type of techie prize. There was much up for grabs! 
Congratulations to Cori Blubaugh who won the iPad!!!!! I'm so excited for her - - yet, jealous! ha On my blog, I was giving away a $25 iTunes gift card. The lucky winner of that giveaway is.....
Thanks to everyone who entered! I didn't have too many entries...because I realized (a few days into the giveaway) that my rafflecopter was messed up. Sorry about that. I set up my blog post in a hurry and set the date of the giveaway wrong. Oops! Speaking of "Love in the Air," there was lots of it at my school. Makes me happy :) 
Will you BEE my Valentine? Here's a glimpse of my classroom door.
We had lots of fun Literacy & Math work stations going on. You can find these (and more) in my Valentine unit on TpT.
We had a fun Ice Cream Social in lieu of a Valentine Party. Students had to have friends sign off on each of their items before they could collect their ice cream supplies. For example: if they wanted sprinkles, they had to find a friend with a pet dog. This great handout can be picked up {here}. 
Here are the Valentine gifts I gave my students and teacher friends! :) Students each received a pack of oreos and a valentine themed straw (picked up at Target) with a tag that said, "Valentine...we go together like milk & cookies!" I also gave out a box of brownies to my friends with a rubber spatula. Their tag read, "Shooting for brownie points!" They went over well! Everyone loved them. The tags were picked up online for free and I just printed them on cardstock and attached with ribbon. I hope everyone felt the love on Valentine's Day. Thanks for entering our "Love is in the Air" giveaway. Hugs!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Love is in the air...

Hey friends!!! Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I've teamed up with some awesome bloggers to spread the LOVE. We are giving away a 16GB iPad Air 2!! What?!?! I'm so excited - - I want to enter and try to win it myself!! Not only that, all of the bloggers who have teamed up together, are giving away additional prizes on each of their blogs. You can win things from Amazon and iTunes gift cards to a Document Camera and an Osmo.

You can enter to win the iPad Air 2, here:
I have decided to giveaway a $25 iTunes gift card to one of my fabulous followers. You will certainly want to use this gift card to purchase apps for your new iPad - - if you're the lucky winner!
You have 4 chances to enter. Simply follow Eberhart's Explorers on Facebook, Instagram, TpT, and bloglovin'. All giveaways are open for entries until February 14th at midnight. What are you waiting for?
Make sure you visit all of the other fabulous bloggers that are participating. You'll want to enter to win their prizes, too!

Thank you for being such faithful followers. Good luck to everyone and much love to you all!