Hey friends! Long time, no see. Same ole story here.....too busy to do anything, 12 kinds of exhausted, and so on. Shew lawdy! Anyways, I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin' and bringing you Helpful Hints.
Obviously teachers have a lot of crap stuff and it is absolutely vital that it stays organized or your room will look like an episode of Hoarders - quick!
Every summer, I usually pull out my manipulatives and organize them. I make sure everything is in the proper tub and I have a label with a matching picture on the front. This makes finding the item I need (or my students need) very simple.
Another thing that helps me stay organized are my lesson plan drawers. Everything I need for that day is in each drawer. Extra materials, or things I am working on for later, are stored in the next week drawer. I try my best to stay 2 weeks ahead *cough, cough.*
My library center was always a mess and constantly driving me crazy. I desperately wanted to change it and make it more manageable for my students. I purchased a great unit from Reagan (that's sadly, no longer available) and used it to print tags and matching labels for all my book bins and books. Students know to match the label on their book to the correct label on the front of the tub. This helps my library center stay neat and clean.
My friend, Misha, shared this brilliant idea with me. When students have a choice to visit their free centers (or as I call them - Discovery Stations), they simply grab their clip and clip it on the sign. The 4 smileys represent the number of students allowed in that center. When it is full, they have to pick somewhere else to visit or wait until a spot opens up. This is such an easy way to manage station time and also puts the responsibility of choosing a station on them.
Hurry on over to Blog Hoppin' and link up. I hope you found some helpful hints....Happy Tuesday.

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