Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pinning fool

Are you pinning with all this free time on your hands?  Hello summer break! I am in love with this freedom, weather, and fired up for next year already. Here are a few of my most recent and favorite pins. 
I am SOOO implementing this into my work stations next year - certainly towards the beginning of the year. This will help with learning names and making new friends. A name writing station - genius!
I think this is presh.  I plan on asking all of my new kinders to bring a framed photo of their family to school. They will decorate the tops of my books shelves in my library center - emphasizing the importance of home and school. Source: Prepare to Play
Can Post its get any better? How awesome are these? I can think of a million and one things to use these for. Sight words, word of the week, notes home, spelling words, library book due, etc! I MUST FIND THESE! Source: n/a
Seriously. This teacher is beyond smart. She glued a pom pom ball to the top of students' dry erase markers for an instant eraser! Viola. No more old socks or used dryer sheets. Source: Classroom Collective
What a great way to incorporate signals in your classroom and without interruptions! This serves as such a cute visual, too. Source: The Organized Classroom Blog

Have you pinned anything great lately? Please share! I'm always looking for new ideas. Happy Monday! :)


  1. I love those post its! I usually just make my own reminder bracelets with text boxes in PPT though, it's cheaper and I don't have to rewrite the message. I just trim, tape, and put them on their wrists! Towards the end of the year, I feel they wear bracelets home everyday because of all the events we have! You'll love using reminder bracelets though. I've found some parents won't take the time to check their kids folder, but they can't help but notice the big ole bracelet on their wrist!
    Stories From Second

  2. I love the pom pom ball idea!

    I hope you have a great summer and I hope you keeping sharing your great pins! =)

    Heather's Heart

  3. I love ALL OF THESE ideas!! Thanks!

  4. I LOVE Pinterest!! There are so many brilliant ideas out there. I am in love with your family picture bookcase pin!! I also really like that bathroom signal hands!! Thanks for sharing!! :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. Speaking of pinning . . . I just "pinned" your page like crazy. Those watch sticky notes are to die for! Thanks so much for sharing your "finds."

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  6. The framed family photos is such a great idea!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  7. Thanks so much for circulating the link to my blog for the awesome writing center I observed on one of my Author visits.

    I appreciate the boost!

    Debbie Clement

  8. Thanks for such great pin shares! I love pinterest!

  9. I definitely want to remember to do a family picture area this year. Makes the room so personal!

    And for my own sanity and my tissue box stockpile I MUST remember the pompoms as erasers.

    Gotta love Pinning!


  10. Hi there, first of all I love the pom pom on the end of a pen idea. Secondly the bracelet idea I have used for years but with strips of card and a bit of tape. New sounds, words, numbers etc. If a child of mine has one of these on then at intervals during the day I ask them what it says or what is the sound? and other adults do too. It is very powerful.
