Tuesday, May 29, 2012

SAVE the napkins!

Hey ya'll! At the end of each year, you're left deciding what to keep, toss, or give away. When cleaning out your cabinets and drawers, you may come across these....
Left over napkins from birthday parties, holidays, etc. And more than likely, you only have a few of each left. Right? DO NOT THROW THESE OUT! These can be recycled to make the cutest book covers. All you need are a few (FUN!) napkins, a paper cutter, plain and/or lined writing paper, and a stapler. 
Step 1: Cut your paper into squares. Measure your napkin and take a half inch off each side so your paper will fit nicely inside your napkin. 
Step 2: Lay the paper inside the open flap of your napkin. Line it up with your fold and make sure there are no excess edges hanging over. 
 Step 3: Add 2 staples to the folded flap of your napkin. 
Step 4: Viola! You have a book! These "napkin books" can be placed in your writing center or used as a journal. Students can journal about the topic of the napkin. For example: the one above is Easter themed, so students can write about spring/Easter topics. 
 Here is what the book looks like opened. Add as many pages as you like!
Here is another one! Perhaps a summer theme? Students can journal about their plans for the summer or a time they visited the beach. The possibilities for these are endless! I have become THAT teacher who makes anything out of everything. Hopefully I won't be pilfering through anyone's trash. ha What are your thoughts? Do you just love these? I do and I can vouch for my students too - they LOVE them!


  1. These are so cute! What a great idea. I have plenty of leftover napkins in my cabinet. I will definitely keep this in mind for next year!! :)


  2. Very cute idea!! No more throwing away napkins for me!!

  3. Cute!! I never throw them away - who knows when you might need one?! LOL
    Rowdy in Room 300

  4. Very cute idea!!! I've seen this done with decorative paper plates as well.

  5. Oh! My! Word! How clever are you?! I think these are wonderful! What a great way to use those random left over napkins that I can't seem to throw away!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  6. I love these Erin! Thank you so much for sharing this idea. =)

    Heather's Heart

  7. Fantastic! Sharing this on FB - love new ideas!
    -Leslie @KindergartenWorks

  8. LOVE this idea! I just found your blog and really have enjoyed reading through your past posts. Come check us out at http://primarypossibilities.blogspot.com/.

  9. I make these throughout the year too and they are always a BIG hit with the kids! :)

    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

  10. Please add me to the list of people who LOVE this idea!!! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Great idea! Can't wait to make these this summer!

    Will you please check out my new blog and share with your friends!?

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  12. Those are totally adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  13. What a super cute idea! I absolutely love it! I have a weakness for buying cute napkins and now I have another reason to use them!
