Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hoping for a snow day and a Homework Pack

Hey friends. I know several of you all have been asking...when will your Feb. homework pack be finished?! While, I tend to work better under pressure and procrastination is my middle name.....Katie and I want you to know, we had the pack posted last night - and with 1 day to spare before Feb!  How's that for a timely manner? I'm rather proud of us, because usually it's the day of! ha Anyways, this month's packet is packed with GREAT activities. You'll find themes that include: Groundhog Day, President's Day, Dental Health, Valentine's Day, and much more. Our pack is normally $8 but because we appreciate your patience and your continued support (not to mention, we love ya'll)'s marked down to $6 through this weekend. Here's a sneak peek of what to expect...
As always, we appreciate your positive feedback and wonderful suggestions. We have been so pleased with how these have gone over and have had fun putting them together. Hop on over to Katie's store and check it out. If you've not implemented these in your classroom, this month would be a great time to start! Here's hoping for a snow day tomorrow...I'm off to flush an ice cube and place a spoon under my pillow!! ;) 


Special Teacher for Special Kids said...

This February work looks great and jam packed! I have seen a lot of teacher post about the spoon under the pillow for a snowday! Never ever heard of that and I am from NY.
:o) V.
Special Teacher for Special Kids