Saturday, August 10, 2013

Missouri Kindergarten Conference

Hey ya'll! Ohmiword is all I can say. I have been slammed with a capital SLAMMED! Shew...lord have mercy. I went to the Early Childhood Conference in East Tennessee and finished up on Saturday, July 27th...flew out to St. Louis on Sunday, July 28th......flew home on Wednesday, July 31st...and returned to school on Thursday, August 1st. Crazy?! I think - YES! was a blast and has absolutely has been a whirlwind, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I was lucky enough to attend the Missouri Kindergarten Conference and meet my real life bloggy bestie, Katie Mense. As you all know, Katie and I have been creating packs together for the past year. You can check them out in her TpT store
We were so happy to finally meet and work on our packs IN person. ha ha Although we didn't get much done for talking, catching up, and playing with her kiddos. A special thanks to her hubs for capturing this photo. We are "hard at work" (wink wink).
While I was there, I listened to Deanna Jump present! Actually....Katie and I signed up JUST for her classes. ha Yes, we are stalkers. You mean, there were other people there presenting?! What? 
Did I mention that I got to meet Deedee too? Yup. I pretty much was on Cloud 9! 
Here we are all together! 
Deedee, me, Deanna, Erin Mullet (check out her cutesy blog here), and Katie! 
And seriously ya'll....what is a trip outta town WITH teachers...without a trip to the Dollar Tree!? ha ha We had so much fun and just laughed and laughed as we filled up our baskets. A post of our purchases will be coming soon. We got some GOOD stuff and plan on making some cool things to go with it. You must check back! The cashier said, "You all must be teachers!" ha For real - what gave it away?
Katie also hooked me up with a first class STL tour and took me to the top of the arch. Check out the view of the Cardinals stadium from the teeny tiny window. Yes, you can go to the top of that thing. ha Very scary!
I'm snappin' away from up there! ha 630 feet up to be exact. It was so cool! They say you can feel it move during windy is designed to move 9 inches to the left and 9 inches to the right if need be. Um...get me out of there! NO thank you!  (Disclosure: I wear my jean jacket ALL.THE.TIME....don't judge)
And what's a trip to STL without some toasted ravioli!? Delish! I had so so so much fun and am thankful I was able to attend and meet some of my favorites! Be sure to follow my Facebook fan page for more pics from my trip! I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm off to rest. It's been a busy week back to school! 


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