Saturday, July 23, 2011

If you liked it, then you shoulda put a pin on it...

Seriously - like I need another addiction!? Ahhh, I cannot keep up with the ones I have now. Facebooking, couponing, blogging, and now pinning!? Somewhere in the midst of the land of productivity - I'll get my classroom ready. *wink, wink* 
I'm not sure why someone did not think of this idea before hand...but to have the ability to organize all of the great concepts you gather on the Internet is brilliant! I am adding to my boards daily, and am thrilled with all of the ideas I've collected. If you are not a member, you must become one. However, you must be invited. Simply shoot me an email and I'll send you an invite ( Check out what I've made so far...
I started out with this.....and ended up with THIS...
A sweet birthday gift for a fellow teacher friend. Now - to make one for myself! Also, I loved this idea and just HAD to pin it. I may have to go and find a few more quarter machines. ;-) It is just another great way to keep dice quiet and from flying all over your classroom. If you missed my first post on quiet dice, check that out [here].
Do you have any of these laying around? Just stick a dice in them and...
VOILA! Students shake the little container and the dice stays put (and remotely quiet) inside. Score!

If are you pinning things, let me know - I'd love to follow you. Just thought I would share some of my latest creations. What have you pinned lately? ~Miss E


Mrs. D said...

You can follow me! :)

Mrs. I said...

Mine is

I didn't see yours listed! What is yours?

Cathy I.
Mrs. I's Class

Melissa Williams said...

LOL! I just pinned two of your pics from just this blog post!
First Grade Frame of Mind

Heather said...

The dice idea is very smart!! I love Pinterest also!


mandytaylor said...

Love your post title! Now I've got that song in my head...with the variation...
Come follow me! Check out the KitKat cake!

Camille said...

Okay, so I feel really, really foolish... but what is the container that the dice are in? I honestly have no idea. I love the idea and would love try it, if someone will p.l.e.a.s.e. tell me about the container.
An Open Door

Erin Eberhart said...

Ok - so I'm gonna have to follow all of you on Pinterest now! Yay! Follow me - mine is

@Camille - They are the toy cases from the quarter machines you find at restaurants/grocery stores/etc. Ya know...bracelets and bouncy balls come in them!? :)

Camille said...

Oh!!! Got it! Now I understand! I'll have to start hanging around those machines and asking for the empty container. LOL! Thanks Erin!
An Open Door

Stacy M said...

I am impressed by your creativity and organization with Pinterest.